Studiekomiteer (SC)

Norske komitemedlemmer 2022-2024

A1 Rotating electrical machines – Ella Beate Brodtkorp
A2 Power transformers and reactors – Hans Kristian Høidalen, NTNU
A3 Transmission and distribution equipment – Nina Støa Aanensen, SINTEF Energi
B1 Insulated cables – Hans Kvarme, Nexans Norway
B2 Overhead lines – Peder Andreas Hagen, Statnett
B3 Substations and electrical installations – Karl Erik Pollestad, Elvia
B4 DC systems and power electronics – Kamran Sharifabadi, Equinor
B5 Power systems protection and substation automation – Tore Geir Soltvedt, Statnett
B5 Protection and automation – Christopher Gebs, Elvia
C1 Power system development and economics – Iver Bakken Sperstad, SINTEF Energi
C2 Power system operation and control – Tom Tellefsen, Statnett
C3 Power system environmental performance – Tanja Midtsian, NVE
C4 Power system technical performance – For tiden ingen medlemmer fra Norge
C5 Electricity markets and regulation – Birger Mo, SINTEF Energi
C6 Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources – Merkebu Z. Degefa, SINTEF Energi
D1 Materials and emerging techniques – Øystein Hestad, SINTEF Energi
D2 Information system and telecommunication – Marit Owren Valmot, Statnett

Norske ledere:

TC (Technical Committee) – Rannveig Løken, Statnett (leder)
B1 Insulated cables, Geir Clasen (leder), Nexans